Harrumble! Some great authors speak out on our behalf, we list the Top Ten Books sought out via the site, AND we have a giveaway. Yes, dear listener, greydogtales is two years old this month, a surprising achievement for one of the unlikeliest websites. We are celebrating with a series of posts, starting with our love of weird fiction, horror and that sort of thing. Lurchers will follow later. And at the bottom of each post, you’ll find a little competition.

For our first celebratory post, we start with fiction, and those who craft it. We are unashamed readers of anything that’s a bit odd, a touch strange – anything that teases the edges of the brain and slides in and out of the many supposed genres. And greydogtales exists to provide signposts. You might not like everything, but we’re sure you’ll find something that suits you.
During our anniversary we’ll have appearances by some of our many talented guests over the run so far. We’ll break the ice with two favourites – a Young American and a Stalwart Scot….
Kiste by the Weird

The gifted North American author Gwendoyln Kiste joined us earlier this year to discuss her collection And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe. This debut collection is a tour-de-force of what makes modern Weird Fiction tick – beautiful writing, original and challenging ideas, and fascinating characters.
“Greydogtales.com is one fabulously fun and eccentric blog for fans of the offbeat. The site’s unique lineup of interviews, reviews, and, of course, the eponymous dogs is as intriguing as it is informative. If you’re looking for new books to add to your weird fiction reading list, then greydogtales.com absolutely has you covered with titles and authors that are always must-reads. And don’t stop at the featured books; you also need to check out the section on purveyor John Linwood Grant’s writing; his own stories blend all the best elements of the weird, the speculative, and the utterly fantastic.
“Happy two years of existence, greydogtales.com! Here’s to many, many more wonderful and weird years to come!”
— Gwendolyn Kiste, author of And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe
You should read this book – a talent to watch. And our full interview with Gwendolyn is here:
Many a Meikle…
For contrast, an expatriate Scot who is no stranger to beards and who now lives in Canada. With a massive back-catalogue of horror, SF, adventure, weird and detective stories, we bump into Willie Meikle fairly often. He’s a true storyteller.
“Whimsy. It’s normally a word that has me running, screaming, in the other direction, but over the last two years greydogtales has caught me in its tangled web.
“Where else can you read learned discourse on the great and good of weird fiction but at the same time get gradings on the varieties and consistency of dog poop? Where else can we find the tattered scraps of rural living that tell the stories of life on the blasted heaths of Yorkshire? I came for the weird fiction but stayed for the lurchers.
“And it seems to be working marvelously for John himself, with ever larger numbers of stories, editorships and new and varied projects spawning like tadpoles from his feverish imagination. Long may it continue.”
— Willie Meikle, author of Sherlock Holmes: The Dreaming Man
Two Years of Weird Shelving
We always try to provide copious links for those books we mention, either because they’re new, strange or useful – sometimes all three. How many times listeners follow up a book link is a matter of mystery (and some haven’t been up as long as others). So this isn’t a competition, it’s an eyeball on what other people are following.
Here are the top ten books that have drawn serious attention on the site, by traffic registered and enquiries. It’s incredibly satisfying to see that people have been investigating such a wide range, as that’s what greydogtales is for.
1) Cthulhusattva
Tales of the Black Gnosis. Our out-and-out winner (by miles, actually), with a book which has clearly intrigued many. You can also read our interview with Scott R Jones, the Lord of Martian Migraine Press, here:
2) Carnacki: The Lost Cases
Possibly not a surprise given our regular coverage of Carnacki and William Hope Hodgson. A sort of companion to those anthologies where writers develop cases mentioned in passing in Sherlock Holmes stories – but this time we focus on a different detective, and the supernatural definitely does apply.
3) Corpse Roads
Folk horror in its many forms is dear to our hearts, and we covered the subject of corpse roads twice last year as a result of this great anthology of striking images and poetry:
4) The Last Words of Robert Johnson and Other Tales
A skilful blend of history, horror, myth and fantasy in the stories here. Author J Malcolm Stewart kindly gave us an interview about his writing here:
5) Probably Monsters Ray Cluley
This collection still intrigues. We spoke to Ray Cluley about his work some eighteen months ago:
6) Blood, Sweat and Fears
Memories of a bankrupt New York, a confused London, and those strange seventies where horror was king and queen. An anthology of another time by the writers of the Now.
7) Witchfinder Volume 3 The Mysteries of Unland
Kim Newman et al. This came up as part of our highlighted piece on Hellboy and Sir Edward Grey, with art by Santiago Caruso and others:
8) The Raven’s Table: Viking Tales
A gripping collection with about as much Viking fantasy, action and creepiness as you could ever need. Christine Morgan was a pleasure to interview, especially as we cling to the North Sea and Nordic legends of our youth:
9) The Secrets of Ventriloquism
By Jon Padgett. This bowled us over. A strange and intertwined collection, which may not be what you think – but which may change what you think anyway. A must for fans of what some call the New Weird, and others call writing.
10) Carnacki the Ghostfinder (Audiobook)
We were delighted to speak to many of the people involved in this audio project, and even more delighted that actor Dan Starkey brought Carnacki to life in a way which we and others have called ‘definitive’. An essential listen for true enthusiasts.
More Testimonials at Gunpoint
Our other quotes for the day comes from two UK writers. The first is Matt Willis, who we talked to concerning his Daedalus and the Deep fantasy/historical novel – and who shares our interest in peculiar historical events and facts.
“Since first being invited to contribute to greydogtales I feel as though I’ve been drawn into a world of underground fiction populated by charismatic and dangerous figures who will fill your mind with paranormal weirdness and unsettling adventures while they empty your wallet and leave you wondering where the day went. As well as stumbling into various genres I barely knew existed I’ve met some splendid fellows, read a lot of hugely enjoyable fiction and been foolish enough to try and emulate it a little bit, which will probably end in my being sucked into a demonic realm. And I definitely want a long dog.”
— Matt Willis, author, with J A Ironside, of An Argument of Blood (Oath and Crown Book 1)
Our full interview with Matt is here:
Bev Allen also has an interest in soldiers (her words, not ours), and divides her time between fiction, much of it very English in the quirkiest and best possible sense, and mad quilting.

“I would like to thank greydogtales for saving me from my antimacassar addiction. Before them I spent my days washing, starching and ironing, but now I have overcome this horror and any tendency to run my fingers along picture rails. I now live happily ankle deep in dust and free from doilies etc, and spend my days writing tales of supernatural domestic mayhem and an occult lady detective.
“Mayhem, domestic and strange can be found here.”
— Bev Allen, author of A Solemn Curfew
We talked to Bev about all sorts of things this Spring:
An Actual Competition
Finally, our modest extra offer for the anniversary. We have 3 advance pdf copies of John Linwood Grant’s A Persistence of Geraniums on offer for free. The book will be coming out soon, in print format only initially, from Electric Pentacle Press, written and designed by JLG and illustrated by Paul Boswell.
To win one, simply email the NAME of JLG’s novella, which entangles a famous fictional detective with his series Tales of the Last Edwardian, to carfanel@greydogtales.com by 1st September 2017. The winners will be picked out of a dog bowl by Django.
Enormous thanks to all our guests and contributors. Next time – our Top Ten Features, more authors join us to speak their piece, and lots of fun. Depending on what you define as fun, of course…